Greenville Executive Employment Contracts Lawyer
A South Carolina Employee Contracts Attorney, Representing Your Interests
Executives are often compensated well, and with good reason. High expectations are placed on business leaders, who must perform at a consistently high level, often under adverse conditions, and satisfy the changing demands of top brass and shareholders.
Many business managers believe that an employment contract is a take-it-or-leave-it document that they must either accept or reject. In reality, there is usually ample opportunity to negotiate when it comes to executive employment contracts. Attorney David Rothstein, a certified specialist in employment law, serves South Carolina executives of local, national and international companies in their efforts to secure compensation and terms that protect their careers and their personal interests. Contact Mr. Rothstein directly for more information.
Providing Strategic, Proactive Direction. Protecting Your Career.
As a seasoned employment lawyer with a strategic focus, much of Mr. Rothstein’s effectiveness comes at the front end of an employment relationship, during negotiations. He can help in the following areas, reviewing existing employment contracts, designing new documents and advocating on your behalf with an employer:
- Defining responsibilities and reporting relationships
- Specifying and quantifying performance expectations
- Determining signing bonuses, salary, performance bonus structures and equity options
- Securing appropriate health benefits, including those that cover special family health care needs
- Negotiating expense provisions, including travel expense parameters, professional memberships, conferences and other expenses
- Crafting severance agreements and exit packages to manage exposure and transitions
- Addressing breach of contract when it occurs
David Rothstein keeps the interests of his clients paramount, making sure that they are aware of their legal rights and options in the matters that are important to them in executing employment contracts.
Contact Greenville executive employment contracts attorney David Rothstein for assistance.